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2008 12차 AOCR 학술대회 학술발표
ㆍ2008 12차 AOCR 학술대회 학술 발표 (2008년 10월 24-28일, COEX)
학술발표: 나동규 원장
- The added value of US-guided core needle biopsy over that of fine needle aspiration for the diagnosis of thyroid malignancy
- Longitudinal study of untreated small papillary thyroid carcinomas: ultrasonographic assessment.
- The ultrasound elastography for the thyroid nodules with indeterminate findings in conventional ultrasound (한양대병원 공동연구)
- Sonographic recognition of comet-tail appearance of thyroid nodule: can it be used as the distinctive criteria from the microcalcification? (고대안산병원 공동연구)